Commit to growth. IN18 LLC (IN-18) is helping organizations reach their greatest potential and create equitable and inclusive work environments.
Develop better leaders who are prepared to support diverse teams and encourage collaboration.
IN-18 offers executive coaching services for organizations that invest in long-term career and organizational success. Private consultations allow clients to learn or improve on the fundamental soft-skills while obtaining an enhanced sense of self-awareness. Working one-on-one, IN-18 helps our clients rediscover their strengths and purpose to reach their full potential. Together we explore your needs and limitations and create a plan to ensure you acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become your best. Our executive coaching platform is designed to help you grow. We use all the tools needed to succeed, including golf.
What is an Executive Coach?
An Executive Coach works with executives and high-potential employees to help them gain self-awareness, clarify goals, achieve their development objectives, unlock their potential, and act as a sounding board. They ask questions to help executives clarify and solve their own problems.
Should I Get a Coach?
Yes, when you are ready to change and ready to discover how. Are you willing to share your experiences? Are you realistic about your strengths and weaknesses. Are you going to do the work?
Focused on optimizing one’s leadership skills and ability to cultivate leadership in others. We start by determining your goal, what is blocking you, identifying gaps and blind spots, identifying patterns, setting SMART goals, and creating accountability.
Designed for 4-6 individuals who are either at a similar place in their career, have a common professional goal or work together as team and have a collective goal to achieve. Using similar techniques as in individual sessions, this format also includes a shared accountability model and relationship building objectives.
Group Modes:
Leadership focused, cross-divisional, cross-functional teams, inter-generational, across multiple seniority levels
What are Soft-Skills?
The Collins English Dictionary defines the term “soft skills” as “desirable qualities for certain forms of employment that do not depend on acquired knowledge: they include common sense, the ability to deal with people, and a positive flexible attitude.”
Who needs Soft-Skills coaching?
Anyone planning to work with or lead other people. Soft skills are increasingly sought out by employers in addition to standard qualifications.